Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ist Transfer in Porto


First week of the transfer in Porto was great!! It has been raining cats and dogs so we´ve been wet all week. The rain is different here, it doesn´t just come from the sky above. It literally comes from all sides. I want to buy a full body rain suit but I think President would frown upon that. Also it makes my hair very voluminous, so that´s cool! I love Portugal. 

We had a week full of meetings and interviews with the President, so we stayed nice and busy! I always love interviews with President Fluckiger. I love President and Sister Fluckiger! We also had Stake Conference that was super powerful. Elder Moreira of the Seventy spoke about now is the time to act! We can´t procrastinate the day of our repentance, much less the day that we more fully magnify our church callings, apply the words of our modern-day prophets, and be examples for the world of disciples of Jesus Christ! I´m so grateful for the path that the gospel gives us, and that we know exactly what is expected of us. Heavenly Father has not left us in the dark like so many people think He has. He has freely given us the recipe for happiness in this life and for eternity! He is just and merciful and just wants the best for us! 

I hope you have a great week! Love you all! 

Sister Wood 

Pics: High school chums serving in the same zone (and my hair gettin cray), and just a cute Porto sign! 

 New Area Porto!
Elder Bianucci and me

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